Cameron had tons of fun with Daddy yesterday. He even smiled for the camera!
We went to Roasted Joes last night for family night. Amanda and Matt were there with the kids and Ashley and Chris were there with Emaline for a little bit. Cameron enjoyed playing some CornHole..
I took some pictures on my Niece and Nephew:
Cameron had so much fun playing. He was pretty good. We ate dinner there. I enjoys a yummy fish sandwich. Cameron ate some waffle fries. He has got dipping down pretty good..
After eating his fries Matthew shared some of his super man ice cream! Cameron LOVED it!
He thought it was the best stuff ever!! We stayed out later than normal and Cameron didn't want to go to sleep. He finally went to bed about 10. I think he is making a habit out of that! He slept in with Daddy today until 12! That is pretty late for mister! Tonight we are going to do something besides sit at home. But I do want to be home before 9 for the season finale of Grey's Anatomy!